Internet Defense League


Tuesday 31 March 2020

CIEIR Presents: Self Isolation Log #1

The following audio is fake, but based on real world events. In this I play a fictionalized version of an average person dealing with Self-Isolation in regards to the Coronavirus. Why I did this was simple. I do not believe everyone is happy with self-isolation. While in this case it's a major necessity. I believe that isolation in and of itself can lead to a severe mental breakdown and I believe that many people who rally for it, overlook that and should be ashamed of themselves. Audio Spectrum Effect by: VSDC Song: Our Darkest Hour by Me.

Thursday 26 March 2020

Trudeau and Trump Dodging Personal Responsibility Coronavirus Update

Two things before we get to the meat of this.

First off: The current total is 526,044 with the death toll being 23,709 and the Recovery number at 122,066 regarding the virus.  Italy and Spain have knocked China off it's spot for the most deaths at a whopping 8,215 and 4,154 respectfully. However their recovery rate much like the sum total has outweighed the death toll. So like the rest of the world there is hope that they'll make it through this.

Second off: Despite the title I do from the bottom of my heart, express my deepest sympathies to Justin Trudeau and his family due to his wife and kid testing positive on the disease and despite what I think of him as a leader I do wish them a well recovery.  With the exception of a select few, I would not wish this disease on him or anyone regardless if I don't like the person. 

Now onto the actual topic.  As you may know, like the rest of the world, Canada and The United States of America are currently enforcing border restrictions and encouraging citizens to self isolate and practice social distancing.  Now these ideas are not bad in the practical sense. As it does give a chance to slow down and halt the spread of the virus.  That part I am not upset about. What I am upset about is how soon these were implemented. 

On the States side of things as much as I don't like the guy, Trump at least had the excuse of ignorance. Regardless of the bullshit story The China Government has come up with, blaming the states for the virus; it's safe to say Trump never saw the thing as a big deal until it bit him.  Regardless of what we all think of the guy, it's hard not to 100% blame him for the shit that went down in the states. The only other reasoning being him having business partners in China, but with the way they been flip flopping each other, it's unlikely. However he is not 100% off the hook.  Because while his actions against the states regarding this is basically one of the biggest fuck ups in the world. His personal responsibility on the matter, is a different story. I"m sure you all heard that he tested negative on the virus. With some claiming he faked the results and other more crazier theorists believing that maybe he himself is withholding a cure. While it is a tad possible he could be telling the truth in a sea of lies, I myself believe he faked the results.  Since both he and Trudeau have been known to travel abroad, which is most certainly how Trudeau's family got the disease, he would definitely go through great lengths to hide it from the states. If the cure however unlikely, ends up being true I do not blame you guys if you decide to form a coup. Because you wouldn't be taking back the states, you'd be saving the world too.

On Canada's side a question I ask is, what's Justin's excuse? They didn't halt air traffic until it started to get bad in Canada this month.  While the news can say all they want about, how they had weeks to avoid it, I call that a steaming pile of bullshit from the worlds largest fertilizer factory. We didn't have weeks to avoid this, we had months. We had been warned when the outbreak first hit Wuhan. The outbreak should have stayed localized within Wuhan. China should have warned us not to accept people citizen or no, in Canada from their airports on the off chance one or more could have been infected. Most importantly Trudeau should have shut down all non-essential travel the second they heard of an outbreak and looked for a different way to get our people out without it fucking over the rest of us. But no. He knew damn well what was going on. The name of the virus shared the same name as the fucking SARs virus.  I am sorry for what his family is going through. I really am, but because of him, this country is slowly becoming a fucking police state. They are already enforcing laws that will fine, arrest and forcefully quarantine anyone that goes outside whether they are infected or not.

Congratulations assholes, you both will have gone down in history as the men who destroyed the western world.

Sunday 15 March 2020

The Coronavirus Update Aka What The Fuck is Wrong with all of you?

It had been one and a half months since I did a survival guide on the handling of the Coronavirus situation. And I must say after what I seen over that period of time, it made me lose my faith in people in general. So I am writing this article, not to enlighten, but to tell you all off for your incompetence on the matter.

Before I even begin I shall let you know, that currently the total amount of infected is 169,387 people all over the world. 6,513 died and 77,257 people have recovered. So good news world, we're actively fighting back naturally. However it seems in certain parts of the world it isn't enough as the damage has been done so severely it's made the majority of the population also known as the dumbest part of the population of the human race in general, do stupid shit in the past couple of days. But I wish that was the only problem, however due to the fact that this shit could have been avoided months ago, this shit merely cinched an already bad situation.

The first people I call out, are the news medias of the world. Depending on where you live, some either deny the damage, others downplay it and some even to this day refuse to believe the virus exists to begin with.  Most of which offer useless information on how to deal with it, others downplaying the effects more focused on not offending the reason why this shit happened in the first place and to top it off, their lackluster approach is why this shit ended up like wildfire to begin with.

Fuck you.

The second people I call out, are the boards of educations all over the world.  Now you're all shut down, but in the past two months, not a single one of you. NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF YOU, warned your kids about this disease. Nor even gave them the simple steps on how to avoid infection. In the words of Matt Hooper, I'm aware of the fact that you all ignored this particular problem until it swam up and bit you in the ASS!!! You shut down now and pretty much extend March break, but it wouldn't have killed you back then, to hand out flyers at least.

Fuck you too.

The third people I call out, are the people criticizing the travel bans.  Their justification is that, the travellers have a right to see their families. I sympathize with that, I really do. However it's not like they can just walk into the airport and hug their families, especially if they themselves tested positive. If the families really loved each other, they'd do everything necessary to protect each other, even if they had to do something they didn't like, such as distancing themselves. If they are willing to risk spreading further infection, then they not only are putting themselves or their families at risk, but also putting the population of their home country at risk too.  It goes to show that a once fictional saying, bares relevance now.

"The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few or the one." -Spock

If you don't care about the risks then, I'm sorry. Fuck you too.

The fourth, are the raiders. You all know what I'm talking about. When word came that the virus was spreading more, every grocery store got raided of essential items. Food and hygiene products specifically. We all heard that story regarding the bulk of toilet paper. Now this wouldn't be so bad, you're stocking up so you can ride it out until it blows over. If only that were the real reason. Nope. At least %70 of these people are not panicking or even desperate.  These assholes are capitalizing on a pandemic.  There was a story once of one guy who thought he had the "bright" idea to charge $200 on one roll of toilet paper. Now if this were an extinction level event like these assholes have claimed to be, money would be worthless at this point. The only thing worth a damn would be food, medicine and hygenics. The stores are working round the clock to restock them, because so many who actually need them, complain endlessly that there's next to nothing there. Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard was more stocked than the local grocery stores and Supermarkets. To make matters worse the whole ordeal has gotten many businesses so fucking scared that they've closed down. From local shops, to discount public gyms.

To these raiders, capitalizing on the fears of the people. Fuck you. I hope you get infected.

And the fifth. To the people that started it all. The idiots that thought it was smart to test and splice deadly diseases and test them on animals.  To the idiot janitor that thought that disposing them would be a waste of meat and thought they could make a quick buck. To the governments who rather than tried everything necessary to prevent the spread of infection until the last moments and still manage to fuck things up once you do get a hold of the situations.  To the people who use this virus as a means of hurting others. To the celebrities that act like they're the medical experts. To this entire fucking planet that allowed this shit to happen. I have only one question to ask.


All of this shit, could have been avoided if people took better precautions over the past 2 months.  All of this shit could have ended sooner if you all weren't so focused on capitalizing on the fear of the people.  YOU ALL DESERVE TO FUCKING ROT!!!  And I really hope this does blow over soon, because when it does, you all have a lot to answer for. I myself don't like violence, but the rest of the 7 billion people you all pissed off, would like to have a word with you. Goodbye, godspeed and one more for the closer: