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Sunday 20 February 2022

Straight Up Reviews: Dagon


Lovecraft is racist. Thank god I don't have to say that again. This is Dagon. The final of Stuart Gordon's Lovecraft movies and undoubtedly the most fucked up of them all. 

First of all, despite the name, save for the title and name, it's not based on the Lovecraft Story "Dagon". It is actually based off the story "The Shadow over Innsmouth" which became the precursor to the Cthulhu Mythos.  I always wondered if Gordon managed to tackle the Mythos. I read that at one point he and Yuzna were gonna have Combs play Herbert West in a story that connected Re-Animator to it.  Still I make do with what I have and what I have is just as fucked up. You notice I said that twice.  You'll know why. 

The story begins in the shores of Spain.  The protagonist of this story is Paul Marsh, a young stock market tycoon who is vacationing with his girlfriend Barbara.  Along with their friends Vicki and Howard. One of many times a character in an adaptation was named after H.P. The previous I've mentioned being Ward in Color Out of Space. Paul is there by demand, because he is plagued by nightmares of meeting a mermaid.  Which Barbara feels may just be work stress induced.  A sudden storm slams them into nearby rocks, trapping Vicki and Howard below the decks while Barbara and Paul go search for help. While they leave, the couple is attacked by an unseen creature. Using a lifeboat they find themselves in Imboca (Innsmouth in the book.) and a priest offers to have two fishermen help Paul rescue Vicki and Howard.  Despite Paul's protests, Vickie stays behind so she could call for help. Checking into a hotel, Vickie gets suddenly snatched away by the priest and the manager, whom both have fish like appendages.  Paul discovers that Vicki and Howard are missing, prompting him to return to Imoboca and going to the Hotel that Barbara was in.  Upon trying to rest in it's filthy conditions, he not only dreams of the mermaid again, but is awaken by a gathering of fish-like people who seem to be after him.  He flees, in both a surprisingly clever yet stupid way, by unscrewing one latch and putting it on another door to keep them at bay.  Finding himself in a Tannery full of mutilated human skin, with what's left of Howard among it.  He takes refuge with an old drunkard named Ezequiel who is the only human left in the town. 

He explains to Paul that years ago, during hard times, a fishing ship captain by the name of Operheus Cambarro, convinced to the villagers to worship Dagon instead of God. A relative of his, Xavier, gives the first offerings to Dagon which brings them, wealth and fish in return.  Making him a high priest.  However, this in turn caused them along with the newly dubbed Church of Dagon, to lay waste to the local catholic church, killing the priest and ruling over Imboca.  However this came at a price as Dagon demanded blood sacrifices and women to breed with.   Ezequiel's mother and father dying for resisting. Over time the town eventually got taken over with at least 99% of it being fish/human hybrid spawns of Dagon.  Who in turn kidnap any humans that wander across for further sacrifices.  

With some prodding, Ezequiel  helps Paul flee to the Mayor's Manor so they could steal the only car. Ezequiel would distract them while Paul hotwires it.  It would have gone well if Paul didn't honk the horn, alerting the people to his presence. Prompting him to flee into the manor for shelter.  He comes across the literal girl of her dreams.  Uxia, who seemed to be waiting for him. She hides him from the others, but upon discovering she has tentacles where legs should be, he flees, much to her sadness and pleas. As she clearly wanted to bone him.  It's disgusting, but not for the reason you think.  I'll tell you later.

Paul gets the car and tries to flee only for it to crash and him thrown into the barn, where he's reuinted with Ezequiel, Barbara and Vicki.  Vicki reveals that she has been raped and impregnated by Dagon and they try to escape. Only to be caught again, with Vicki killing herself rather than be Dagon's baby mama.  Let this be a lesson kids, Hentai may seem fun, but the burden and commitment will kill you in the end.  Paul and Ezequiel get seperated from Barbara and offered by the cult a chance to join them. They refuse. That's when I hear them recite the words.

"Ia Ia Cthulhu fhtagn." 

With the exception of South Park and a few other parodies, this was the only time I have ever heard it in an actual Lovecraft adaptation. However where they are funny, this variation sent chills down my spine.  For rather than be a seperate entity like the original short story or even the being it was based off of, this variation of Dagon is none other than Cthulhu.  

Ezequiel gets his face cut off, as fitting of the other male victims before him. Paul would have been next if Uxia didn't intervene.  She personally offers him a deal, his life for him joining them.  Specifically him marrying her so that he can be part of their cult and rule alongside her.  He agrees in exchange for Barbara being let go.  Uxia refuses, she claims it's because she needs to be bred, but come on.  The reason why she is doing this is so she can have Paul all to herself. Once Uxia and the group leave to make arrangements, Paul escapes, determined to save Barbara.   Finding some near by Kerosene along the way.  Upon arriving at the church where it all began, Paul discovers a ritual chamber underground where Barbara is being prepared to be sacrificed. Barbara is lowered down the pit and Paul tries to save her.  But he is too late, for Dagon not only raped her, but upon rescuing her, Paul watches in horror as Dagon takes her violently back underground as it's new consort.  The cult tries to kill him, but are once again stopped by Uxia who reveals one of their oldest cultists, an old deformed fishman, is their biological father, making them brother and sister. That her intentions are to marry him blueblood style to keep the family line going in service of Dagon.  Paul doesn't believe it at first, but then discovers gills on him. Knowing it to be true and depressed at having lost everything, Paul tries to burn himself to death, only for Uxia to stop him and drag him down the depths of the sea.  Once he discovers what he is fully, he leaves with Uxia accepting his fate. So ya, disgusting.

This is by far one of the most fucked up movies I ever seen in Gordon's library of Lovecraft films.  There's some genuine horror, some dark comedy.  Even the dated CGI in some scene doesn't hinder the scary shit.  And after watching it, I have satisfaction knowing that Gordon completed his life long dream of covering many Lovecraft basis.  

I may review some of Stuart Gordon's other works and related material soon, but until then take care.

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